Read, Talk, Sing, Write, Play
Find books and early literacy activity ideas to do at home or when you're out with your child.
Watch nursery rhymes and find out how to do the actions.
Play with interactive resources.
Find a Great Book
Crocs Stole My Socks
Lex is done with socks! They're itchy and annoying, and he has a zoo-full of excuses not to wear them. Until one day at Grandy's farm, where Lex lands himself in a sticky situation. ...Good Morning, My Deer!
In 'Good Morning My Deer!' author Mel Amon and illustrator Sophie Beer incorporate homophones and homographs in a fun story! Join Banjo and his mum on what starts as a straight-forw...Little Bird
Little Bird sits alone in her nest while a parade of animals shows off their special talent. She feels sad until she realises she can do something that none of the other jungle anima...Find Great Rhymes and Songs
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Watch and listen to “Baby Ways” being read in different languages

Home Literacy Calendar
Better Beginnings encourages all families to Read, Talk, Sing, Write and Play with their child every day, but sometimes it can be hard to think of things to do. Better Beginnings is here to help! Our Home Literacy Calendar is packed full of fun, easy things you can do together at home that will help develop your child’s early literacy skills and turn your child into a reader. Print it out and stick it on your fridge for some daily inspiration!

eResources for Families
The State Library of Western Australia provides access to a number of great online resources for kids. These are listed below and are free to access from home or at your public library with your local Western Australian public library or State Library membership card. Everyone in Western Australia, including children, may join their public library. Check with your local library to find out what the membership requirements are. You can find your nearest library using the Find a Library.
Better Beginnings encourages responsible use of eResources with young children. For advice on using media responsibly with your child and information about current screen time guidelines, please refer to our Tech Tips for Families flyer.
LOTE4Kids is a digital collection of picture books (ebooks and audiobooks) in a diverse range of World Languages. It allows kids to enjoy the magic of books and other activities in LOTE (Languages Other Than English), both in State Library and at home. There is access to 3,000+ book titles in 65+ languages.
Learning with Busythings has never been so silly! Busythings is an online resource for the early years with over 150 activities designed to help children develop problem solving, numeracy, communication and language skills. Great for school readiness and younger ones starting out with online learning.
Story Box Library is a beautiful online reading room, a place where the wonderful world of Australian children's literature comes to life as stories are read for children via video clips. Story Box Library provides the audience with a vibrant, interactive experience via a diverse range of storytellers, each sharing past and present book titles.
Borrow Box is an award-winning Australian app that enables Western Australian public library and State Library members to browse and borrow bestselling eBooks and eAudiobooks on your device through digital loans. Although you can browse children's eBook and eAudiobook titels on Borrow Box, this site is not filtered and parents/carers are advised to monitor their child's usage of this website.
The OverDrive eReading Room just for kids provides a safe and easy eBook borrowing experience for families. Kids can browse, sample, place holds and borrow eBooks and eAudiobooks appropriate for their age range and reading level.
If you would like to become a member of the State Library of Western Australia please click here.
The State Library of Western Australia has a wonderful eResources page that can link you to eBooks, eMagazines, Apps and education eResources.
If you would like to become a member of your local public library and see what wonderful books and services they offer please click here.
These online resources are licensed under a State-wide agreement through the State Library of Western Australia and are available for personal use from home to all Western Australian public library and State Library members.
Recommended Apps for Parents
Better Beginnings includes information about the Bright Tomorrows and Beacon apps in each of their reading packs. Both apps have been developed by Telethon Kids Institute researchers and are free to download.
The Bright Tomorrows app, developed at the Telethon Kids Institute, aims to assist parents of children aged 0-5 years to support their child to develop the building blocks of these critical skills. The app includes over 1000 tips for activities that parents can do with their child to help them learn and practice their essential life skills. These fun and interactive ideas for learning can be woven into everyday moments like bedtime, bathtime and mealtime.
Beacon is a cyber safety educational app designed to keep parents and carers up-to-date with trusted, tailored information, to help keep their kids safe online. designed specifically for parents as a personalised, one-stop-shop for reliable information about the online world. It arms parents and carers with the knowledge they need to confidently help navigate their children’s digital behaviour and reduce harms we know are associated with being online.

Children's literature specialists from the State Library of Western Australia compiled the booklists below. Containing a selection of great books for children aged 0-5. Ask for the books at your local public library and if you can’t find the title mentioned in the booklist, look for other books by the same author or illustrator and try them instead! Your local librarian is a great source of knowledge and you can always ask them for suggestions. You can find your nearest library using Find a Library.
All booklists are downloadable.
30 Books to Read Before You're 2!
Better Beginnings encourages all parents to read to their child from birth and this booklist contains titles which are proven favourites with babies, toddlers and their families.
Toddlers are beginning to understand how to handle books. They are starting to turn pages by themselves and will start to hold books the right way up. Give your toddler lots of opportunities to choose books to share together.
Children of this age are starting to enjoy longer stories. Look for books with repetition so that they can join in and ‘read’ along with you.
30 Books for Curious Kids (0 - 5)
Young children are naturally curious and the titles on this booklist will develop their knowledge and thinking skills in the areas of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. This booklist was compiled in collaboration with Scitech.
Deadly Books for Little Kids (0 - 5)
The titles on this list are great examples of children’s books that depict Indigenous art, culture and storytelling. Many of these books were written or illustrated by Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander people. Deadly means really good!
The Deadly Books for Little Kids is undergoing a transformation and there will be a new list with some exciting new titles soon.