Better Beginnings recognises and celebrates Western Australia's diverse Aboriginal cultures, languages and communities. We are working with local Aboriginal language centres and early years educators to translate and produce resources in language for families.
Noongar Language Resources
Our dual language Baby Ways book in Noongar, Maawit Mart is available for loan at all local public libraries located on Noongar land.
If you work for an early years community organisation located on Noongar land and would like to receive copies of Maawit Mart for the Aboriginal families you work with, please contact us via our contact page.
We also have stories, songs and rhymes in Noongar available on our Better Beginnings YouTube channel.

Yawuru Language Resources
Our dual language Baby Ways book in Yawuru, Nyamangarru Jalygurr is available for families through Broome Public Library and other local early years programs and community organisations in the Kimberley.

Walmajarri Language Stories Project
As part of The Walmajarri Language Stories Project, we have digitised books in Walmajarri, Kriol and English from Kadjina Aboriginal Community. Check it out on the State Library of Western Australia’s catalogue.